Your online guide to Taraz city
Taraz is one of the oldest cities in Kazakhstan, founded more than two thousand years ago. In different eras, the city was an important center of trade and culture on the Great Silk Road.

More than 2000 years old another city of South Kazakhstan, once the center of the steppe part of the Great Silk Road - Taraz.


Taraz is one of the oldest cities on the Great Silk Road, renowned for its rich historical landmarks.


The city is famous for its unique architectural heritage, including the Khoja Ahmed Yasawi Mosque and the Ay Khanum Mausoleum, both UNESCO World Heritage sites.


Taraz was a vital trade hub on the Great Silk Road, where caravans carrying silk, spices, and other goods from East and West intersected.


Visitors can explore the historical museum in Taraz, showcasing artifacts from the Silk Road era, including ancient coins, pottery, and jewelry.

Historical sights of the city Taraz.
The city is rich in architectural and archaeological monuments, among which are the mausoleums of Aisha-Bibi and Karakhan, as well as ancient settlements.
Mausoleum of Aisha-Bibi
Aisha-Bibi Mausoleum is one of the most significant architectural monuments of Kazakhstan, built in the XI century. It is located 18 km west of the city of Taraz. The mausoleum is dedicated to Aisha-Bibi, the beloved of the famous ruler Karakhan. Legend has it that Aisha-Bibi died on her way to her lover, and this magnificent mausoleum was erected in her honor.

  • Architecture: The mausoleum is decorated with exquisite terracotta tiles with floral and geometric designs.
  • Significance: Symbol of eternal love and fidelity.
  • Location: Visitable all year round, a popular destination for tourists and pilgrims.

Useful information:
  • Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 18:00
  • Entrance fee: Free of charge
  • How to get there: Bus №5 from the center of Taraz, stop “Aisha-Bibi”.

Mausoleum of Karakhan
Karakhan Mausoleum is an outstanding monument of medieval architecture, erected in the 12th century. It is located in the heart of Taraz and is dedicated to Karakhan, the famous ruler and founder of the Karakhanid dynasty. The mausoleum is an important religious and historical site.

  • Architecture: Built of burnt brick with rich ornamental decoration, representing an example of the Karakhanid style.
  • Significance: One of the oldest preserved monuments of Islamic architecture in Kazakhstan.
  • Location: In the central part of the city, near other historical monuments.

Useful information:
  • Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 18:00
  • Entrance fee: Free of charge
  • How to get there: On foot from the center of Taraz, or by bus № 8, 9, 56, to the stop “Karakhan”.
The ancient settlement of Taraz
The ancient settlement of Taraz is an archaeological monument, which is a testimony to the rich history of the city, which existed more than two thousand years ago. The settlement is located in the central part of modern Taraz and represents the excavations of an ancient settlement.

  • Archaeology: The excavations include the remains of residential and public buildings, fortifications and ancient streets.
  • History: Taraz was a major center of trade and culture on the Great Silk Road, playing an important role in the history of the region.
  • Significance: A place to see traces of ancient civilizations and learn more about Taraz's past.

Useful information:
  • Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 18:00
  • Entrance fee: Free of charge
  • How to get there: On foot from the center of Taraz, or by bus number 7 to the stop “Taraz Mound”.
Cost: __________
Transfers, hotel accommodation and visa included.
There may be additional charges for visiting museums, cafes and stores. Some hotels may charge for laundry and other services.
We recommend bringing an extra amount of cash for out-of-pocket expenses such as snacks or shopping
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